Dax – Depression | Raw Emotions

Dax is an artist who is becoming one of the greatest rappers of all time with his immense musicality and exquisite lyricism. He has compiled 2million monthly listeners on Spotify and ain’t nothing stopping him from adhering the crown. His discography is a true piece of art which is like a rollercoaster ride. His tracks dig deep into emotions with vivid pictured painted through his lyrics which comes out from the core of his heart.

“Dax is already breaking the charts and is surely going to live on for ever with his tracks that are meant for the masses.”

I was thrilled when I discovered his latest release which is called ‘Depression’ which is one of the best depictions of depression I have ever witnessed. The track has some flows that are so beautifully linked with the melodies that you will feel your mind uncovering the emotions that was beyond comprehension. His vocals are crystal clear and his tone beautifully caresses the track and carries it to a whole new level. This is surely a track that will break all the charts! Dax has always been innovative with his releases and this one of the best examples of innovation. The hook is catchy and has been ringing in my head since I listened to this track. His deep sense of musicality is what makes his tracks so special.

This is surely a track that everyone should listen to. You can catch a little glimpse of this masterpiece named ‘Depression’ by Dax-

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Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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