Ceyeo-Lost | Inked in truth



Ceyeo excels in anonymity. There is a pull in his music that you feel, only because of the composition and lyrics. There is no dependence on the pageantry, this is all for the passion. With incredible lyrics and heartfelt, relatable poetry being his centrefold, you’re in for a treat with every release. This is his latest single, Lost

You can almost breathe in the conversation. The feeling is common, it is mankind’s weakness to be lost at some point or the other. The state of mind is almost a helplessness. Ceyeo brings in that contrast with incredible instrumentals, which echo positivity. The lyrics might come from that state of mind, and that is where the brilliance lies. I view the instrumentals as the hope you’re reaching towards, as the lyrics unfold to exemplify the conscious state of mind. This is where the poetry of hip-hop lies, in understanding society through your own lens. As the instrumentals slowly fade away with the lyrics getting heavier, you tend to have a pinhole perspective, of what might be this artist’s state of mind. An enjoyable, conscious song from a marvelous performer. 

His album from last year, Machine Learning-dropped with the public exposure of AI and the truth of the future. With his kind of talent, he shows that this kind of art is irreplaceable, immaterial of what the AI has been trained to say. Summer Love and Broken might be dynamics of the same coin, but as an artist Ceyeo will always expand his sonic space:

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