Gridlock-Missed Calls | Slo-Fi Disco

Gridlock- Missed Calls

Gridlock- Missed Calls

Songs that pack surprises within parts of it are the most exciting to listen to. Create a maze of genres to get lost through, dream up good lyrics and hold that beat. Gridlock has that covered with 2018 single Missed Calls .

Japansese-American artists Gridlock try to fuse Japanese pop & American alternative to create a unique blend of dance music. They call their genre “slo-fi disco”, & that’s apt because it layers rich instrumentals, which are carved into simple beats and lyrics in falsetto. I don’t know if this is known to you, but that’s a recipe for a catchy dance vibe.

The track opens like any other dance song, until 4 bars later where funk guitars & bopping bass walked into the bar & changed the entire feel of the song! The groove is tight, the bass line remains like a guide through the entire song & ensures that you don’t take a seat while Gridlock plays Missed Calls. The vocals are clear and cut through the mix very well.

It is important to understand that dance music is relatively simple relating to the fact that it has only one intention. To get you on the floor. To dream up unique visions that are effective are truly worth lauding. Gridlock do all of it with one track.

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