Pullstring – When It Began | Alt- Rock Kings 

Pullstring – When It Began | Alt- Rock Kings

Pullstring is an amazing indie alternative rock band. A young band founded in 2022 and roaring from the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Their music can be described as a blend of alternative rock and creative lyrics followed by powerful drums and guitars sections. Pullstring is a five-piece band consisting of Tristan McGlauchlen the drummer, Joshua Jordan the guitarist, Alex Fuller with his mouth organ and guitar, Conno the bassist, and Josh Hogan, a singer and guitarist. 

Pullstring can be stated as a fairly new band in the music scene but have managed to gain huge audiences and tour internationally. They released their debut single “Sunday Afternoon” in 2022 and are back with yet another masterpiece called “When It Began”. Let’s talk about the song and its ingredients in detail. The song starts with a riff on electric guitar and loud toms on drums. The intro tries to builds up for verse to kick in, with bass and rhythm guitar. Soon the vocals enter with a loud drum beat and fast rhythm on electric guitar and bass. The melody is so simple yet catchy and has an amazing alt rock vibe of 90s. The chorus kick in with full power and change in chord progression. The harmonies in the vocals and catchy hook makes the chorus so memorable. The song has this amazing and long guitar solo section right after the second chorus. The guitar solo makes the track a perfect rock song with its rocking and face melting feels. The song never loses it fast paced drum beat and keep the listener engaged till the end. It ends with the same intro music with full power and energy. 

Pullstring has a long way to go in the industry but looking at their popularity and phenomenal music, they are not far behind on the touring the whole world and having fans globally. Its highly recommended to listen to their new single “When It Began”.

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Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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