Our Man in the Bronze Age-Hexed Endeavours | Odyssey

Our Man in the Bronze Age-Hexed Endeavours

Our Man in the Bronze Age-Hexed Endeavours

It’s how you hear the first sound of a group that’s going to make it. It’s not the sound of music itself, but the sound of passion-and that a project is fueled by desire. Our Man in the Bronze Age is nothing short of a solipsist entity that drives to produce energy through instruments. Hexed Endeavours is the latest in their milestones that push for change.

Introducing-a 101 to rock

The intention is heard loud and clear in the Intro itself, the chorus and distorted guitar booming through the glass ceiling of mainstream. It implores for change and recognition; it might not be conscious but a requisition. Here is OMITBA with what this EP means to them:

To us Hexed Endeavours is a sort of return to our roots in terms of the atmospheric vibes found on The Gallows Tree, but mixed with the more straight up rock direction of the Habanero EP.

Some of these songs have been with us for a long time, either as practice jams or regulars in our live set so it’s quite a broad selection of ideas, but one that feels like the culmination of everything we’ve done and thought of since our last release. The album itself was recorded before the pandemic hit so we’ve been anxiously waiting for a good time to release it! 

The sludge renaissance

Well worth the wait. The Fall of Athens is their first technical track, and if you’re hearing the album right (chronological order) you’ll see their envisioning of a story divine. What better way to launch into a mythicist musical journey than a sludge riff that is as catchy as it is brilliant? From the pockets of Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats, this riff is the coffee is for closers speech with the charisma of a band with a golden goal at the end of the horizon.

Midnight Lovers was a single we reviewed earlier, and it repurposes itself here as a swinging number that helps the guitar & vocals shine. Predisposed with the purpose to rock, this track is a dark reminder of the times before-glamourized with the bellowing belly that rock carries. More about what the style and genre means to the group:

In one sense to us it’s all just rock music ultimately but we like to think that we’re diverse within that one space. We’re not afraid to just go with what feels right as it always seems to end up sounding like ‘us’, so that could be walls upon walls of doom riffs all the way down to a single melodic and sparse piano line.

We’re all big fans of melody and I think that comes across in both the vocals and instrumentation, whether that be a post-rock soundscape, or up tempo headbanger, it all emanates from the same sonic mind! 

That sounds accurate, some riffs originate from doom and some from funk- many are rock based. The source of the inspiration shuffles into many hints of ideas that might melt into one three-dimensional entity-the song itself. Evident with the track Cramphands, the Deep Purple vibe runs strong with the riff delivery and Blackmore’s vision has been carried on with pride. It might ballet between grunge and hard rock, but sustains the right to rock your socks off.

Music that inspires-a journey

The music we listen to individually is all diverse as we’re just general fans of music ultimately. Some examples off the top of my head range from Ennio Morricone to Radiohead to Botch to Morphine to Oceansize/Vennart. Like with most music fans though, this list is a constantly changing one! 

Changing the emotional cloud with Black Widow, Our Man in the Bronze Age shift to a softer impact and a warmer style of delivery. With Dave Grohl’s trusty disco style beat, it transports itself into a doom disposition, the heavy riff dominating what would be the personality of a somber silk clad black widow.

Bands like Mogwai, Russian Circles or even the mighty Led Zeppelin regularly shift the focus of their dynamics within the same album and I like to think we’re no different.

We certainly don’t restrict ourselves when it comes to choosing a mood and a lot, if not all our music is just based on feel. It quickly becomes apparent if someone isn’t into it so if that happens, we move on. Apart from that there are no borders beyond our own abilities.

Ramblings is the sonic equivalent of a journal by OMITBA. It allows the sound to settle and swell, an organic beast that grows and lives and eventually dies. The journey is an immense prog-rock journey, which proceeds to develop into effects that resist the eventual decay. It has been purposed and placed beautifully, opens the range to which this band can explore itself.

A traitor’s tale has no right to be this catchy. Brutus is another Probot sounding surreal journey. The beat keeps you hooked and the riff? The riff is another story and the guitarist gets all deserved respect for that delivery. Just enough gain, no unnecessary extra distortion. A gorgeous chorus as well.

Breaks with acoustic-balancing an album

Bill Odyssey opens with a soft piano air cushion- a break that the doom energy needed to be brought down with. It eventually cascades in reverse, making its way back to its roots of rock. The distance is worth viewing and listening to.

The title track would be expected to be no different than the magic that is in full display. Lyrics, instruments, and the chorus all pour into a pit of energy-that the band knows how to embody so well. Switching between the heavy and mildly heavy, the song makes sense where it is in the album. Like a signature you would recognize at any time.

Coma Haircut is another sludge smasher, with quicker guitar work keeping up with the explosive drums and choruses that take place in pace with the instruments. Wonderful shift of dynamics in what could be defined as one genre. The references and inspirations pour in from all directions.

An alt rock number, Out of Beginning is a funk development that pushes the beginnings and ends of this band. They are now several spheres more than the existing corroding capital where they build their diamond city.

Closing, fast and slow

Give a church choir a band that crushes time and genres closing in with class, you have Two Square Meals. With effects proudly displayed by Ghost, OMITBA makes use of the tonal sonic scenery they have to create an illusion. She is a love letter that translates into an acoustic ballad making a magicians dream come true. It creates effects and relies on a stripped minimal conformity that the band challenges.

While I can’t speak for the story as Johnny wrote the song itself, I can say that it was just one of those pieces of music we all heard and instantly knew it had to be on the album. It seemed like the perfect antidote to the album’s heavier moments and while it may seem obvious to ‘end it on a quiet one’ like so many great albums do, for us it was the perfect closing statement.

Our Man in the Bronze Age want to push the purpose of a band and tell tales again. Like the greats- Rush, Rainbow and even Sabbath. They might not want to stand within any boundaries, but seem to have pushed many. It is a fantastic collection of songs that aids their catalogue, and the sorcery doesn’t seem to be fading. You can catch them on tour soon:

We’re planning to get out and get playing after being shut indoors for so long and are hoping to book some small tours and hit the festivals. We’ve had this album in our laps for long enough and now just want to share it with a wider audience and see who’s into it.

Listen to Our Man in the Bronze Age create a carnage with gold here:

Check out our playlists here!

Discovered via http://musosoup.com

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