Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends – Empty Days | Silences from the Pauses

The song “Empty Days,” by Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends‘ latest album “17 Birds at the Summer’s Gate”, is a song about yearning and silences in inner mood. The arrangement perfectly captures the concept that the words express and is further enhanced by the creative ideas in the mix.

The passages sound dramatic and immerse you in the song’s atmosphere. No matter what you listen to before or after the music, it has the ability to create its own universe. I believe the darker tones are clearly established from the opening, with the vocals being sung and processed in a more elevated manner. The harmonies are well-considered, and the colour is effectively heightened.

In terms of the arrangement, the song opens with shimmering bells and country tremolo crunchy guitars slowly strumming the chords, which are also backed by the acoustic guitar. The percussion and vocals begin to blend easily, and the song begins to build a pulse as the bass begins to groove from the sustained self.

Layers are added to the song as it develops, both melodically and rhythmically, giving it the essential dynamism and momentum. The guitar’s outro, in particular, was a highlight for me. The emotional tint is given and raised by both the solo and the tone, giving the song a sense of completion. With repeated listenings, the music grows on you, and if you continue to appreciate the evolving environment of the song, it will stay with you for a long time.

Enjoy Listening to “Empty Days” by Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends on Spotify!

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