Neil Young is Skeptical About his Return to “low res” Spotify

Neil Young is Skeptical About his Return to "low res” Spotify

Neil Young Returns to Spotify, But Can’t Quite Swallow the Bitter Pill: Hold onto your Stetsons, folks! Neil Young, the iconic rocker with a voice as smooth as molasses and a temper as fiery as a Texas two-step, is back on Spotify after a two-year self-imposed exile. But this comeback story has more twists and turns than a dusty desert road.

A Blast from the Past: Why Neil Young Stormed Off Spotify

Remember 2022?  Yeah, that whole thing with Neil Young and Spotify?  It was a real barnburner.  Young, never one to mince words, took a stand against the spread of COVID-19 misinformation on Spotify, particularly targeting Joe Rogan’s podcast.  He basically told Spotify to “cut the cord” with Rogan, or he was taking his music and heading for greener pastures (like Apple Music and Amazon). Spotify, unwilling to silence their podcasting golden goose, reluctantly said goodbye to Young’s vast collection of tunes.

Back in the Saddle, But Not Giddy Up Yet

Fast forward to March 2024, and Neil Young’s music is streaming on Spotify once again.  But in a post on his social media, it’s clear that Young’s return is less of a victory lap and more of a hesitant toe-dip back into the streaming pool.  He admits to coming back “hoping against hope” that Spotify will finally up their audio quality game, praising Apple Music and Amazon for already offering “crystal clear tunes” (his words, not mine).  Ouch, Spotify.  That’s gotta leave a mark!

Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Disinformation vs. Reaching the Fans

Here’s the real kicker. While Young might be yearning for better sound quality on Spotify, it seems his bigger concern is the platform’s handling of misinformation.  His return feels like a calculated move – a chance to maybe nudge Spotify in the right direction while still getting his music out to the masses on a popular streaming service.

So, What Does This Mean for Us Music Lovers?

For us, it’s a cause for celebration! We get to crank up “Heart of Gold” and belt out “Rockin’ in the Free World” on Spotify once again. But Young’s return also serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing battle for artist rights, the responsibilities of streaming giants, and the fight against the spread of bad information online.

Will Neil Young’s return be the catalyst for change at Spotify? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure, this music legend isn’t afraid to shake things up, and we’re here for every minute of it!

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