Chad Lewine – 35 | Playful

Chad Lewine – 35 | Playful

Chad Lewine is a singer and songwriter who’s all about producing lively music. Through his vigour and energy, any dull song can be given life. His tracks substantially are a mix of emotions and intense musicality and we all know that that’s a lovely combination!

Chad Lewine is an ardent artist and his music reflects that. His recent track called 35 is a song that anyone who feels like having a midlife crisis should listen to. It is everything you would need to hear to feel better about growing up. After all, it’s inevitable, so why not do it in a jolly manner?

35 is eccentric in many ways. It surely has an amazingly energetic vibe that lures you into its magic and makes you jolly. But it also most certainly has amazingly unique musicality. With its vivid instrumentality, a mix of a wide range of soundscapes, and experimental nature, 35 becomes quite enjoyable. You would want to unleash its magic slowly and steadily, in no hurry, while enjoying your late night shower, or a lonely stroll in the garden. It can be your perfect companion.

35 in no way has even a tint of melancholy. It is an exceedingly exuberant track that just celebrates emotions in a unique manner. You would want to sway along in many instances and sing along too.

With amazing lyrics, outstanding, lively, and charming vocals, great musicality, and amazing production, 35 is a must-listen track for music lovers!

Here’s what he has to say:

1. What are your aspirations as a musician? Is your personality reflective in the music you create?

I want to share my energy with the world and also make a great living doing it. I want to be able to pick up and do whatever I want and hire the best talent to make the best art/product possible. I aspire to be a self-perpetuating artist that answers to no one except myself. And that is not arrogance or cockiness. It is important that I have the final say, so my intention and the expectation of the final product are aligned. When this is not lined up properly, artists experience burnout, stress or watch their dreams crumble. I aspire to play in the world’s biggest venues, of course. But first I’d love to sell out my favourite Brooklyn venue, Baby’s All Right. Let’s get there and then reassess. 

My personality absolutely drives the music. The songs and records I make are a direct translation of my vibe, my personality, my thoughts, my feelings and my experiences. 

2. Are there any special moments in your career that changed the pace of your musical journey drastically?

Nothing like a big break, but I have had many experiences that have propelled me, inspired me to keep going, and elevated my craft. 

3. Give us a short insight into your process of creating a song.

I’ve honed my process over the last few years. Before then, I would usually tinker around with the beat. production and then write over the top of that. But I found that would hold me back since it is so time-consuming for me to build beats. Now, my process usually is:

1. I experience a thought, feeling or emotion. 

2. I recognize this is affecting me in some way, so I know it’s something important and relatable. So I convert it to a song in my head. 

3. I open my voice memos app and record a brief section that’s buzzing around my head, usually ends up being the chorus, but sometimes it evolves and becomes a different part of the arrangement.

4. I spend a few days/weeks listening and finishing the melody and lyrics into a complete lead vocal arrangement 

5. The song itself is now so I move to pre-production, creating a simple beat beneath the vocal to express my production ideas or recording a completely acapella arrangement. 

4. Tell us a song of yours that’s close to your heart and why.

Will You Be There by Michael Jackson is always way up there. I have songs that come and go through heavy rotation, but this is one that I can always rely on. The sonic warmth and spirit of it is something I want to capture in one of my songs. The message and delivery of the message is one of a kind. It was the first time I fell in love with Michael’s music, through Free Willy. If you read the lyrics of the verses, the song is deep AF. It is so special. It will always make it a favourite of mine.

5. Lastly, how do you define your music? Do you want your listeners to have the freedom of interpretation or is there a specific way you want them to perceive your art?

I don’t define it. Others define it. Listeners define it. A friend of mine recently said that I make “music that makes you want to live,” and I definitely couldn’t have said it better myself. 

Listen to the track right here:

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