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Dionne Sturdy-Clow - No Way | Light, Upbeat
Dionne Sturdy-Clow - No Way | Light, Upbeat

Dionne Sturdy-Clow – No Way | Light, Upbeat

Dionne Sturdy-Clow is a 20-year-old singer, songwriter, and performer based in the North of England in Doncaster. She is known and loved for her brilliantly curated tracks that have a vivid presence of both retro and contemporary undertones. Her genres are alternative pop rock and acoustic, which make her unique and stand out from the ocean of pop artists. 

Dionne’s recent release is a track called No Way which is a light, euphoric, and upbeat rock number, perfect to give you a boost in your spirits on a boring day. The song has perfect elements of good old rock while also having a prominent presence of contemporary hues that together make this track immensely enjoyable. 

A great, light, and fun overall vibe are crucial to making a song enjoyable and No Way is just that. Even though the lyrics are intense and intellectual, thoughtful and well-written, one would find it surprising and equally pleasing how well the contrasts fit together. As if it couldn’t have been better any other way. The great thing about No Way is its uniqueness. The moment you predict the next move is the moment you find yourself proven completely wrong because Dionne just throws you off with her musical abilities, and all for the better. 

The melodies are amazing and would startle you if you are anyone who likes a bit of eccentricity. With great lyrics, equally amazing vocals, and outstanding execution, No Way makes for a musical delight that must not be missed. 

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